3 words that boosted mobile conversions 7.2% for a luxury brand.

Make button text specific to the collection you’re featuring.

If you ask them to take action, be specific.

On a luxury clothing brand’s homepage, we edited CTA text to align with the featured category. A general ‘Shop Now’ was changed to ‘Shop New Arrivals.’

This specificity lifted overall conversion by 4.6%, increased engagement by 31%, and mobile conversions by 7.2%.

3 words that boosted mobile conversions 7.2% for a luxury brand.

Most shoppers prefer quick, easy navigation.

And specific CTAs make shopping intuitive and straightforward.

Don’t make customers wonder where a button will lead. It adds friction, and creates hesitation.

By telling them exactly what to expect, you eliminate ambiguity.

Here’s why specific CTA’s convert:

  1. Faster purchases: Each button explicitly guides visitors to the collection featured,
  2. Easy mobile navigation: Clear and concise CTAs cater especially to mobile visitors who favor straightforward navigation.

Specific call-to-actions streamline the path to purchase.

Refine yours to match their expectations.

As always, test to find the best approach for your audience.

✨Takeaway: Use specific CTA buttons tailored to your featured collections to get customers shopping faster.

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