For products that are more visual in nature, move ATC up for higher conversions and increased revenue.

For products that don’t need much nurturing, position your add-to-cart button above product descriptions for a faster checkout.

Your site is a constant balance of commerce and content.

Make it easy to checkout, but provide the right amount of info.

For some products, a low-effort, faster checkout experience with minimal content keeps more buyers in the funnel.

Here’s two real examples:

#1: For a beauty brand, we saw a 9.6% increase in Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) when we moved their add-to-cart button higher up on the product page.

Move ATC up for higher conversions and increased revenue

This brand sells nail polish.

It’s an everyday product that people purchase frequently with minimal effort, so a lengthy description is less valuable before checkout. Focus on speed and ease instead.

Good rule of thumb:

1) If your products need more nurturing (like electronics or supplements), descriptions are much more valued before the next step: add-to-cart.

2) For products that don’t need much explanation, help keep those ready to buy in the funnel by moving your ATC button above descriptions.

✨ Takeaway: For everyday products, most buyers value the ease of checkout more than the paragraph which describes the item.

#2: For a high-end footwear brand, conversions (CVR) lifted by 25% when we moved the add-to-cart button higher up on the product page.

Don’t make them scroll to find your call-to-action.

This brand offers color options for their footwear. Before, the product description pushed the color swatches and the add-to-cart button down the page.

Now, with the ATC higher up, more buyers can take action immediately after choosing their color.

✨ Takeaway: For products where visuals do the selling, go for speed and move their next step (add-to-cart) higher up.

Then, as always, test!

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