Wanna hook new customers? Do this. Recent 18% conversion win inside.

In a recent test, we added a prominent message on the homepage introducing a brand and its products to new customers. It brought a 17.8% lift in conversions sitewide.

Most visitors are unfamiliar with your brand when they arrive at your site.

Show ‘em what you’re about in as few words as possible to keep the scrolls going.

Here’s Why it Worked

Adding ONE line about your brand and products early in the customer journey hooks, inspires, and moves them to your products (and cart) much quicker.

Why would new customers stick around if it’s not obvious from the get-go what you offer?

Your design and photos speak volumes. But, your story is priority.

This winning line of text is succinct. It hints at what the product is useful for and adds an element of authority:

‘Freeze-dried foods for all climates & adventures since 1969′.

Especially for new customers, a brand statement proves very successful. So, try adding it early.

Bonus points if it’s memorable.

What Most Brands Do Wrong

Most brands overlook the power of a strategic brand statement.

Or worse: they only include info about their products and brand nestled far down on core pages, or the About page.

This is a missed opportunity.

Try it out:

Do you have a winning line of copy that speaks to your brand & products? Try adding it in a slim banner on the top of the homepage. Keep it short, strategic, and memorable. Then, test, review, repeat.

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