Practical benefits before brand copy lifts conversions for a home goods brand.

For audiences that already know your brand, prioritize practical benefits in lieu of unique selling propositions.

We tested replacing a section of brand benefits with practical benefits (free shipping, lifetime guarantee) on the product page for a Home Goods brand.

Their customers are already knowledgeable about the brand.

Placing more emphasis on free shipping & returns worked because these practical benefits were the next barrier to purchase.

Practical benefits before brand copy lifts conversions for a home goods brand.

Here’s Why it Worked

Know your audience. Is your current traffic a new cold audience, or a brand-aware audience?

Take this two-step approach:

  1. Catch the attention of a new audience by establishing brand authority and convincing with selling benefits.
  2. Then, for brand-aware buyers, convert a sale by reducing risk with practical benefits like free shipping.

This home goods brand is over 100 years old and well-known in its niche. It already has brand authority, and completed step one above.

Therefore, their audience is more likely to respond to practical benefits.

What Most Brands Do Wrong

Most brands don’t even consider the awareness level of their audience.

So, they end up placing their unique selling propositions high up on the page.

While this isn’t wrong, it’s all about knowing your audience.

A practical benefits message (like Free Shipping) is much more effective for this brand-aware audience.

Steps to Try Today

Do you have brand-aware shoppers? Appeal to their needs by replacing unique selling propositions with practical benefits on the product page.

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