How Outside Magazine inspired a 30% boost in conversions
Want to know the single most important part of having a great product?
Telling a compelling story with authority – early.
Because early attention leads to a boost in conversions (and social proof locks in leads).
Timing and sequence of information matter in the customer journey.
….like, a lot.
In a recent test, our team redesigned a homepage to remove the 30-Day Guarantee messaging, and replace it with a logo from an industry-leading publication – Outside Magazine.
This simple shift resulted in a 30% increase in conversion rates for all customers landing on the homepage.
The major publication validates strong claims of a brand new industry-first technology for this high-priced outerwear and allows the customer to justify their desire…
…and move right on down the purchase funnel.
So, plug your proof! And remember, the 30-Day Guarantee is essential for reducing customers’ perceived risk before purchase, but it’s better presented later in the purchase journey.